If you have followed this blog for a little while, you are aware that I have found a new appreciation for the little things in life that we often take for granted. This point came easily to me after being diagnosed with my illness, but it is something I pray everyone will take the time to notice.

Last Thursday night as I was tucking my 9 year old son into bed, he prayed for two things. He wanted it to snow that night just like the rumors were forecasting, and he wanted a snow day declared so that the whole family could enjoy it. "Even if they don't cancel school, can we all just stay here and play in it together?" he begged. My 9 year old has become too aware of the fact that we may have limited time together, so he grasps at every opportunity for cuddle time or a family movie night.

As I crawled into bed, my prayers were that I would be able to watch my children enjoy something so simple, but new. We awoke the next morning with the finest dusting of snow and ice and we were able to tell the kids that school was canceled. The joy on their faces, the giggles in their voices, the squeals as they touched the snow for the first time took my breath away. What a blessing and a gift for my family.
I visited with my Endocrinologist Monday and we reviewed some labs that we have been monitoring. My kidney function has been high for quite some time, and partnered with symptoms that have been occurring for nearly 2 years, we have realized some extent of the damage done to my brain. Hashimoto's Encephalopathy attacks the neurons of the brain. I experience inflammation in the brain. The inflammation initially caused convulsions, migraines, and then stroke like symptoms. With high dose steroids, most of the damage was reversed. It appears that prolonged inflammation in part of my brain that controls my kidney function has caused permanent damage.

I am optimistic though. If my new medication works, it will relieve many of my symptoms and allow me to sleep at night. This will remove some stress off my body and possibly slow the progression
of my disease. This is my prayer. Due to some potentially serious side effects, they will start me out slowly with the medicine and monitor my labs closely. The first night was great, but the second was less impressive. I am praying this is just because my body is trying to adjust and will settle down.
Thank you all for your support, prayers, and walking this journey with me.
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