Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Productive Wednesday

Let me start by telling everyone about my rockstar family! My mother and sister took the kids to Sea World yesterday. Bradie got too hot and threw up on a lady in line for one of the rides. My family never fails to step up to the plate...even when it is less than glamorous.

We woke up at 5:30 again to go have more lab work done. We then went and met with the gastroenterologist. He immediately sent me for an endoscopy and biopsy of my stomach. After I woke up, we moved down to urology. They still were not able to fit us in, but did tell us that there is a good chance that they will be able to see me tomorrow.

We will meet back with gastro in the morning to review the biopsy and pictures. Then we will return to standby at urology. Keep praying for doors to open. It is crucial that we rule out or resolve complications so that we can begin our ultimate Care Plan with neurology. The Lord has opened so many doors since we have been here. I have faith that he will hear our prayers. We will end the day tomorrow with a follow up at Neurology.

Tonight, we are being taken to Rochester's famous steak house Michael's. We are looking forward to the time away from the hospital and the time to feel like something other than a patient. I cannot tell you how amazing everyone here has been...especially my husband!
In the pictures above: John and I are standing in the Gonda Building(part of the Mayo Clinic) overlooking our hotel. The second picture is of the Plummer Building. This was the original Mayo Clinic. The other 23 buildings were built around this one as the corner stone.


  1. praying for an appt for glad you had some time to not be a "patient" :) hope you both enjoyed your steaks...

  2. Kim, I am so encouraged to read your blog today, you sound so upbeat and faithful. We are praying for God to put things in order for you to clear out all the obstacles to get on with "The Plan"! I really enjoy reading your blog because it gives me hope. You've faced so much already with still many unknowns ahead and still seem to be positive. May God keep you and John in his loving hands. I'm praying also for your children, your mother in law, and of course Glenda and her family. This is sometimes harder on those who are not the patient and can't do anything to help. Thanks for keeping this blog for us! Karen Smith

  3. Karen...thank you for your support and I am blessed if my experience helps or gives hope to anyone. I truly believe that is part of my purpose here. I ask for your continued prayers. God bless.

  4. He will open the door Kim!! Stay strong and know that he is with you both. Hope you had a great to you both!!

  5. Still praying for you guys. Love the pics of you and John!! How do you have such sweet hookups in Minnesota. I mean really a ranch and a nice dinner...come on now who do you know. Are you in the Mayo mafia or something.

  6. Sounds like Bradie and Logan and having a pretty good time. Will give Bradie a call to wish her a very Happy 10th Birthday! Don't know where the time goes. Keep posting updates and stay strong. Love you guys,
    John & Glenda

  7. Ok, can I just say I'm jealous. I mean cool weather, WHAT???? Love seeing the smiles on the faces of you two. Love ya'll.

    Rae and Lance
